Politics Police?: An open letter to Leonardo DiCaprio

Politics Police? Leonardo DiCaprio

Dear Mr. DiCaprio,

First off thank you for being a great entertainer. I was not an early fan of yours, but over the years have become more interested in your work. But I am not writing to you today about your work as an entertainer, but on your comments regarding Climate Change.

I am not a supporter of Mr. Trump, and in fact, think he is an egotistical buffoon. I do agree with you that he should not be the Republican Presidential Nominee, but our reasons are completely different. And you do not have the right to say who should be the GOP’s choice for POTUS. That choice belongs to ONLY members of the Republican Party. But you already know this.

Global Warming, sorry, Climate Change

Then there is the problem of proving Global Warming, or Climate Change as it’s now being called. The “Science” may show the slightest of changes, but what I don’t understand is, “Science” also says that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. There is only 170 years of weather records, how can that truly tell you any kind of pattern? That would be like meeting a man who lived 100 years and taking 1 minute out of his life and saying this is that mans life pattern. One minute out of a 100 year life, is that how “Science” works?

Putting that theory aside for the moment, and for the sake of the argument, that it is in fact disputable truth and fact. Why would this be an automatic disqualification of holding or running for public office? Who is allowed to make this list of automatic disqualifications? Do we need to now have a discussion on what political topics people MUST agree to BEFORE running for office?

Better yet, let’s just make it easy and say that all politicians must agree that Global Warming, sorry Climate Change, is real; guns don’t kill people, people do; all drugs should be legal; the rich must pay their fair share; all stores should have only one bathroom for ALL genders; teach every kid the exact same thing; do away with all points in all games so no one gets hurt feelings when they don’t score as much as the other team; McDonald’s order takers should earn the same as a bridge engineer. That would make our voting so much easier.

Don’t break our system

Mr. DiCaprio, you know how wrong the idea is. You even know that the beauty of our system is that we are forced to debate both sides of every issue, BEFORE we decide. So, why on earth would you say something as dumb as, “…in my humble opinion, [you] should not be allowed to hold public office.” Leo, just because someone disagrees with you, does not prevent them from holding or running for public office. Maybe YOU should only allow people who believe all of what you say, to ever pay for watching one of your movies. How would you feel about a 50% pay cut? Maybe if 50% of people quit going to your movies, the studios would quit signing deals with you.

Just as you can’t exclude movie goers from seeing your movies JUST because you don’t like them, you can’t exclude anyone from holding or running for office, JUST because they have a different belief in a topic than you do. I for one, believe that Secretary Clinton should not eligible to run for President, for the sole reason of her lies about her email, and Benghazi, but those two things don’t seem to bother you. When a Republican would have been forced out of office, a Democrat has been elevated to Presidential Nominee.

I applaud your passion

Mr. DiCaprio I applaud your efforts in doing something you are passionate about, but you really should stick to acting and your causes, because you don’t seem to have respect for freedom of choice. I base that soling on the fact that you want to limit potential political candidates on an arbitrary line, that you yourself has drawn. Share you opinions, but don’t try and limit someone else’s opinion, unless you also want to through out the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And I’m guessing that is a no.

Thank you for you movies. And please don’t start trying to regulate individual thought. And Mr. DiCaprio, if you have an issue with Climate Change, you should probably take the lead in Hollywood and give up the private jets and fly commercial like the rests of us.